Happy New Year!
As long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a writer. I got my first taste for writing when I was in preschool. It was nap time and though I was always an extremely good sleeper, I wasn't very tired that day. A friend of mine was lying on the mat next to me rolling an oil crayon between her fingers.
"I dare you to draw on the floor with this." She handed me the oil crayon.
Now, I am a four-year old at a daycare that doesn't pick oil crayons off of the floor before nap time. How much damage can this cause?
Apparently, a lot. My parents were called, punishments were laid down, and I experienced my first-ever 'grounding.' (I even ate dinner in my room that night!) And as I sat in my room, pondering the complexities of oil crayons and carpets, I found myself reaching for a pen and paper. An hour later, I emerged from my room with a hand-written letter outlining all of the reasons I didn't deserve to be punished. I like to think of it as my first persuasive piece of writing.
Since then, I have written countless short stories, poems, blog posts, and most recently, a novel. In the Fall of 2018, I decided to start my writing side hustle on Fiverr. I never imagined it would turn into the steadily growing and thriving five-star business it is today.
Still, I have a long journey ahead of me if I want to see my writing in print and I'd love to take you on this adventure with me! Throughout the year, I will be posting excerpts from short stories I'm writing, outlining the lives and deaths of Otherville residents (characters in my novel, Otherville), disclosing the fun and the not-so-fun aspects of the writer's life, and writing stories that YOU help me create!
My dream is to one day make this writing thing a full-time pursuit. Between telling my own stories, and helping others tell theirs, I have plenty of imagination to go around! Whether 2020 is my year to make this happen or not is yet to be seen, but the chase is on!
For Love of Adventure,
How exciting!